Friday, July 15, 2011

God created us in his image

          "So God created man in his image, in the image of god created he, him; male and female, created he, them. - Genesis 1:26, 27

I'm not completely devoted to the idea that the bible is the say all, be all, end of the final word of all things but it is to me more like a book of histories through a certain set of eyes. Every religion and culture in our world would write their histories in a very different way from all different perspectives.  If God is the all mighty reason we exist then according to this verse, he created us to be God-like. The irony of this is that if my close-minded, religious zealot of a mother heard me refer to myself as a "Goddess", she would cry blasphemy or witch craft, but this verse which is clearly written in some very official King James translation- as in back when the church slaughtered the innocent in the name of religion- blatantly states that we were created in a god like form, me are meant to be, feel, act, think and look like the Gods and Goddesses we were created as. 

So be the Goddess you were meant to be! Strengthen and stretch every part of who you are! Never stop growing, learning, laughing and loving!

Peace and Blessings
Nora Love

My encounter with a demonic entity

My story about a recent experience that I had with an evil spirit of some sort was just published on an awesome paranormal site. Check it out and please leave me some feed back. Id love to know what experiences others have had.

Peace and Blessings,

Nora Love